This is a great adventure!
Wow, this trip has really crept up on me! I can't believe that I am truly headed to Uganda on Thursday! It still is kinda of surreal for me. I am very excited about my trip, though, and am busy getting in the last minute preparations. After all, a girl simply can't go off to Africa without two more shots, malaria medication, cough drops, pepperoni, and quilt patterns!
I will be staying with Dave and Darlene Eby. Mr. Eby is a former pastor, who moved to Uganda with his wife when he retired a couple years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Eby are such a godly and selfless couple and I am delighted to be able to spend time with them and learn from their example.
This will be my home for the next month. The Ebys have running water, electricity, and internet (most of the time). As you can see, I won't exactly be roughing it. :)
The Eby's front yard. It is so rich and green, but not exactly conducive to playing Frisbee (Paul, Adam, and I tried it!)
A portion of Kampala, the capitol city. Uganda truly is a beautiful country! I am very excited about this trip! I am very thankful to be able to have this opportunity, and am looking forward to what God will teach me. I know that I will be pushed out of my comfort zone and will experience many new things. I am especially privileged to have such supportive friends and family, and I can't tell you how blessed I am to know that you are praying for me on this adventure of mine. I will do my best to keep this blog update with my thoughts and pictures of my trip. I hope that you all enjoy it!~ Ruth Martin
Yay Ruth! It is coming up quickly, but I'm sure you'll be ready in time. :)
Wow, the area is so gorgeous. Do you know what the weather will be like while you are there? Are these the same kids that you worked with last time?
I will be praying for you and your family. Have a wonderful and amazing trip!
Love you! :)
I am so excited for you! I know that God is going to work mightly through you. I'm going to miss you, but know I'm praying and love you my dear sister...
Ruth, Your blog is wonderful. We will enjoy the posts to come and keep you in our prayers.
Ruthie, my prayers are with you, what a great adventure and oppty to serve as our Lord has told us to, with love for our brothers, with
I'll be checking your blog...looks great so far. We'll keep you in prayer as you go.
Wow! This is so exciting! What a wonderful opportunity! I know that you will have great time and learn so much and you know that I will be praying for you.
Love you! :o)
Dear Ruth,
We are glad to hear that you made it safely. Get some sleep and be in contact in the morning.
Dearest Ruth,
I cannot express the admiration that I have for what you are doing. What an adventure!
Through your willingness, I know God will use you to touch the people of Uganda.
I will be praying for you friend :)
Way to go, Ruth! We will be praying for you!
Ruth, I so excited for you! This such a great opportunity and I know you will be so blessed. I look forward to your updates!
May the Lord bless you and keep you! ;)
Zoraida Sisco
My Lady,
I'm so glad you posted those pictures- as I mentioned on the phone last week, I want to be able to picture where you are staying! Remember, dear, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. He will uphold you as you serve and help others in humility. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers- and I promise to write you a huge-long e-mail very soon!
Your Kate
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